A Champion
Hlengiwe Zuma is a champion. This young lady is a government employee, working for DEFF, and seconded to the Impendle Municipality. In late 2020 she took it upon herself to arrange a wetlands information day for residents of the KwaNovuka village, which overlooks a precious wetland.
The wetland in question is part of the source of the uMngeni River. Ms Zuma understands the value of a precious and vulnerable water source, so, with no budget allocated to her at all, she did what was in her heart, and set about arranging this day.
Something like 200 attendees had access to various stalls erected by participating NGO’s, and just before lunch, we were treated to a short walk to the edge of the wetland, where the ecology and biodiversity and value was explained.
From left to right: Kholosa Magudu from Groundtruth, Nduduzo Khoza (crane expert) and Mlu Ntuli from Liberty NPO, after addressing the crowd at the wetland
All participants received something to eat. There was a tent erected in case of bad weather. A DJ was in attendance, and the school kids were included.
Upland River Conservation was honoured to be included in the small organising committee, but the lions share of the organising was done by this young champion: